среда, 25 июня 2014 г.


                          "From the past to the future".



Teacher-Ashralova Eteri.

            Why should we learn our Past?

                         Thematic questions.

1.How did people develop?
2.Was cave  people's life difficult?
3.What is the difference between cave & modern people?              


                         More Questions.

1.When and how cave people live?
2.How did they hunt?
3.What did they wear?
4.How did they make a fire?
5.How did they solve their problems?
6.What can one learn from cave people?
                      Group   Work.

Group 1.                                                                                                                                                                   
*Finds material about the life                          
style of cave people.Visits Gobustan.                

Group 2.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *Works on computer to find

difference between cave 
and  modern people.


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4.Учебник английского языка 6 класс.Ф.Гусейнова. Н.Багирова.
5.Пособие для учителя 6 класс.Ф.Гусейнова
6.Work Book 6 класс.Н.Багирова.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Student's Presentation. 
                                                            Cave People.

Hi,there! Welcome to our project.We are studends of grade 6th.Iam the leader of the group Abbasova Shirin.Here are my assistants:Kamran,Silina and Rauf.The techer gave us a task to find information about cave people,their lifestyle.We divided into groups "Homo Sapiens" and "Neanderlands". We were "Neanderlands".                                       
                                         The questions we had to answer.

11.How did cave people develop?                                                
         2.Was the cave people's life difficult?
More questions.

1.How did cave people solve their problems?
2.What can we learn from cave people?


We decided to begin our investigation with the visit to Gobustan,a settlement,not far from Baku.People lived here 12 000 years BC.
Caves and rocks can tell us a lot.Drawings of animals prove that people hunted not only on the mammoths but also on the other animals such as  deer,djeirans,lions,boars.Ancient people kept a dog as a domestic animal.The drawings of goats and cows show that agriculture was developing from those days.What means the drawings of a big fish and a boat.Was there connection between our land and the world ocean? People dancing yali .Isn't it interesting?! They like not only to work but they relax too.6000 drawings told us so much that we easily imagined the cave people's life.


So we came to conclusion.Past can tell us a lot.We lean what people did then,how they lived,how they helped one another.Their life is somehow an example for us.We must love one another,be friendly ,kind,hardworking.Ancient people lived in caves,slept on the ground by the fire,used stones for making things,wear animals' skin,roast animals' bodies.Modern people have everything.They live in houses,wear clothes,drive cars,have light and gaz,use machines to do different things.Did modern people value all that?We think that modern people are cruel.They pollute 
the environment,destroy nature,kill animals without any reason.
We should think about past and future today to avoid bad things in the life."Those who don't know past have no right for future".
This project is very useful for us.
1.We can identify cave people's life.
2.Use new words.
3.Ask and answer questions on the life of cave people.
4.Can write cave people's descriptions.
5.Can express today's lifestyle.

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